Tour: NYC

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

tournyclive music

Man I fuckin love this town.

We got to New York just in time so we headed straight to the Knitting Factory and loaded in. Lots of my friends came to see the show, so it made for a really wonderful homecoming. Big thanks to Kevin and Eileen and Dominika and Alison and B and Christina and Nikola and Dana and Austin and Rick and Andy and Taylor and Alex and Amy and Danielle and Pete and Anyika for coming to the show. I probly played the best set I’ve ever done, and I owe big thanks to Darren and Stephanie for helping me fill out the sound, they were awesome. Stephanie was a super great sport and learned how to play along on this new song called Another Hell To Live In. It sounded great, especially given my meager notation skills and the fact that we only went through the song twice before playing it.

I played the Beach Song last, after telling everyone about the daydream I had seeing the little girl at the beach with her dad. When the waves started up at the beginning of the song, a few people in the audience went “Awww!” and for that one moment I felt like Andy Kaufman at Carnegie Hall.

After playing I had a great time hanging out with friends and watching Stephanie and Milkbaby play. Stephanie played the Bucket Rider on request, that song is always stuck in my head these days. During Milkbaby’s set me and Pete and Ann did some funky dancing. Pete had some weird thing goin on with grabbin his ankles and dancing, that was super hilarious. Afterward he gave me the high fives and said “We danced the shit outta that song!” Good ol Pete.

After the show we had tons of help loading out so it took no time at all and the rain only seemed to lift my spirits that much more. We went around the corner to another bar and ordered food from a deli and gabba gabba gabbed for quite some time. I got to meet one of Barry’s friends, Ann, who is real-live honest-to-goodness Rockette. I got to hug a Rockette! Life is awesome.

After that Stephanie’s friend Sabrina convinced me to give them a ride to her place way the hell up on 107th. So me and Pete and Darren and Steph and Sabrina piled into the van, and we drove through Central Park in the nighty rain, er uh, rainy night. Yeah. Pete regaled us with some weird fictional journal entries from some 17th century explorer who seemed constantly beset with savages and their poison arrows, and who spoke in that strange flowery pose that one only finds in the journal entries of 17th century explorers. After we dropped them off me and Darren and Pete drove back to my place in Carroll Gardens and loaded everything out and parked the van. Then I got to sleep all alone in my very own bed. You don’t know how awesome that was.

Today I been chillin in the hood, goin to the Fall and the Bagel Cafe for breakfast. Then I went to see my funny chiropractor Dr. Frank Morgera. He showed me some xrays of my shin which looks fine, and then he gave me the beatdown and straightened me out. Now I’m goin to the Soul Spot and then we’re goin to see Cat Power and Patti Smith. Tomorrow we leave for Boston. Whee.

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