Lauren wuz here

Monday, November 15, 2004


My sister came to visit for the weekend. I didn’t realize it, but she’s been here four times this year alone, and she was here for Thanksgiving last year, too.

We got lame and watched almost the whole fourth season of Six Feet Under, but we also re-tracked some vocals for this song she wrote called Explode. Then we went to the Chengwin vs. Chunk Homecoming Game, until the cops did the woop-woop and broke up the party. At one point the whole crowd was marching down Broadway, filling an entire city block and then some. We were jumping up and down with pom-poms and shouting Chengwin Loves Chunk! The Saturday afternoon shoppers were thoroughly confused as to where we had come from, where we were going, and why. I doubt the oversized Chicken-Penguin and Chicken-Skunk that were leading the marching band did much to alleviate their confusion.

While Lauren was here we also ate at most of our favorite restaurants: Zaytoons, Cafe Luluc, and of course the SOOOOUULLL SPOT! Then we watched some more Six Feet Under.

Then Lauren left, and that feeling snuck up on me again. I used to wonder how people could miss other people. It didn’t happen to me that often. But now it happens every time she leaves. It makes me miss everyone, all at once. How ya’ll doin?

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